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HimaSign Signature Software
Design your unique and professional HTML email signatures for you and company easily within
a few minutes with HimaSign. Maximize your business opportunities by applying our HimaSign
Signature Software and our existing HTML email signature templates
to customize all your email signatures online.
1. Dashboard
1. Dashboard
Dashboard is email signature management of the HImaSign software. After loggin to your HimaSign account from your computer or mobile, you can easily create your own email signatures with Dasboard. There is a lot of tools available for you to create, edit, duplicate, download and remove your signature.2. Email Signature Templates
2. Email Signature Templates
There are a lot of existing email signature template designs in HimaSign Signature Software. All of them are designed, tested to make sure that all of them compatible with all current email types.In addition, you can easily customize the designs as you want. Also, we always update and add new templates to meet all your demand.
3. Automatically Generated Vcards
3. Automatically Generated Vcards
If you’re interested in using Vcards, HimaSign will be your favorite one. This email signature creator can automatically generate Vcards for you. You just need to add a Vcards icon to your email signature. After that, your Vcards will be auto-generated based on the information in your email signature.4. Add social media icons and upload your own custom ones
4. Add social media icons and upload your own custom ones
With HimaSign, you can add various social media icons and connect them to your social links of the popular networks. You can not only choose the current HimaSign Design icon but also can upload your Custom Design. This feature will surly bright your email signature and get more traffic and subscribers to your fan pages.5. Duplicate or copy email signatures
5. Duplicate or copy email signatures
Have you ever thought about how much time it takes to create email signature one by one for hundred or even thousands of staffs in your company? Now with HimaSign, you can save your time dramatically. After creating your first email signature and customize it, you can simply duplicate or copy to make others one. All you want to do is just change the name of the staffs then save it. Now, your staffs’ email signature is more professional.6. Track clicks to your website from your email signature
6. Track clicks to your website from your email signature
HimaSign also helps you to track clicks to your website from your email signature. It supplies you the option to turn on the Google Analytics and then you can add campaign code into your website link. By this way, you can get more traffic and reports straight to your own Google Analytics account.7. Customize the labels
7. Customize the labels
HimaSign is a great software that supports all language. It allows you to customize the labels with any text in any language you want. After being changed, the labels will automatically adjust based on the text you use.8. Browser Extension for Chrome and Firefox
8. Browser Extension for Gmail, Outlook.com, Outlook Office 365, AOL Mail and Yahoo! Mail
To make you use HimaSign signature convenience, we have developer it to be compatible with all current browser extension easily and quickly for Gmail, Outlook.com, Outlook Office 365, AOL Mail and Yahoo! Mail. Moreover, your email signature available for any web browser from Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.9. Add images to your email signature easily
9. Add images to your email signature easily
Image is one of the most powerful things that can attract audiences’ attention. In HimaSign, you can easily add image to your email signature. In addition, you can link the image to website or the one you want. It’s super easy for you to upload image, then crop and resize in your email signature using user friendly HimaSign uploader. Moreover, you can circle or square crop your images to make the image more beautiful.10. Turn on/off short links
10. Turn on/off short links
An email signature with long links doesn’t look professional. Especially, many kind of email limit the characters in the email signature. Therefore, using short links is a good way to have more rooms for all the ones you want. In HimaSign, you can easily turn on or off the short links to meet your expectation.11. Works with all major email clients
11. Works with all major email clients
Not all people use the same email type, and your customers too. Luckily, HimaSign works with all major email clients such as Gmail, Outlook.com, Outlook Office 365, AOL Mail and Yahoo! Mail. This ensures that your email signature looks good for your customers no matter which type of email they use.12. All images hosted on fast CDN
12. All images hosted on fast CDN
Loading image in an email signature sometimes is a big problem. However, now with HimaSign, all images are hosted on fast CND and all of them will be load much faster in your clients’ email.13. Email signature apps
13. Email signature apps
There are a lot of applications for you to choose in the HimaSign Dashboard. We have collected from the most popular marketing applications that can help you much on your marketing campaign. You just need to choose the one you want and take advantages of it then enjoy the effectiveness of the apps in your email signature.14. Circle crop your email signature images
14. Circle crop your email signature images
After uploading the image, you can crop, resize the or choose the roundness for your logo/avatar. With this feature, you will get an impressive logo/avatar that can meet your expectation.15. Use animated gifs in your email signature
15. Use animated gifs in your email signature
Using animated gifs is a great way to convey what you mean and grasp audiences’ attention. You can use the animated gifs in your email signature as logo or profile pictures or in your banner image too.16. Email signature design
16. Email signature design
In HimaSign, you can design your email signature simply in tab Settings in your Dasdboard with many tools. Hima Sign let you to style the Typography, Signature Background and Signature Color. Therefore, when using Hima Sign, you’re able to style and custom the signature according to your logo and brand.17. Add your own contact details and sort contact fields
17. Add your own contact details and sort contact fields
In HimaSign, you can easily customize your profile. It allows you to add more contact fields in the order you want. Now your contact details will look better in your email signature.18. Add banners and promotional images to your email signatures